1970及其前因后果 :: 只能是电影

 >1970<+itself :: Pure films   


The Tempest (UK)

暴风雨 (英国)



Stormy Weather

Director: Derek Jarman

Cast:  Heathcote Williams   Karl Johnson   Jack Birkett

Footage: 96min

Year: 1979

导演: Derek Jarman

主演: Heathcote Williams   Karl Johnson   Jack Birkett

片长: 96分钟

出品时间: 1979

The Tempest, the last of William Shakespeare's great plays was adapted for the screen for the first time by Derek Jarman in 1979. Shot on location at the ancient and ghostly Stoneleigh Abbey, The Tempest tells the story of Prospero, the magician, who lives with his nubile daughter on an enchanted island and punishes his enemies when they are shipwrecked there. 

It's a study of sexual and political power in the guise of a fairy tale. Essentially, Jarman uses the material as the basis for a homosexual metaphor, most notably in the Prospero/Caliban relationship. The film's master stroke is the finale, a wedding feast designed and choreographed as a full-scale production number, with the veteran black musical star Elisabeth Welch wafting her way through a chorus line of sailors as she belts out "Stormy Weather." It's one of the great scenes in British cinema.


《暴风雨》是莎士比亚的最后一部戏剧作品,1979Derek Jarman第一次将它搬上银幕。影片在古老而神秘的Stoneleigh修道院拍摄,讲述了魔法师Prospero的故事,他和已到适婚年龄的女儿生活在一个有魔法的岛上,惩罚那些在那里船舶失事的敌人。

电影借助神话故事探讨了性和政治权力。实质上Jarman把这些素材作为同性恋的暗喻,这一点在ProsperoCaliban的关系上表现得最明显。电影结尾特别让人吃惊,在一个精心编排的婚宴上,众人一起歌舞,黑暗音乐的老明星Elisabeth Welch表演着《暴风雨》穿过水手打扮的歌舞队来到我们面前。这是英国电影中最伟大的场景之一。



Personal rate






Films by Derek Jarman

William Shakespeare's The Tempest(1979)

Jim's Film Reviews/Jarman


Works of the same director

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