Glitterbug (UK)

萤火虫 (英国)


Director: Derek Jarman

Footage: 60min

Year: 1994

导演: Derek Jarman

片长: 60分钟

出品时间: 1994

Without a traditional plot, the film chronicles Jarman's life before AIDS with a series of images gleaned from over 15 hours of Jarman's home movies taken between the years 1970-1985. It is quite unalloyed by any complex of theoretical meanings. Only the basic emotional stuff of love and work, and there are no effects or dialogue tracks only the discretion of Brian Eno's music.

影片没有情节,而是从1970年到1985年间Jarman拍摄的共15小时的家庭录像中选取了一些影像,反映了他患艾滋病之前的生活。其中并没有什么高深的理论,只有爱情和工作中的一些情感素材。也没有音效或对话,只有Brian Eno的音乐。



Personal rate


Works of the same director

爱德华二世 Edward II

暴风雨 The Tempest

英伦末路 The Last of England


花园 The Garden

Luxor花园 Garden of Luxor

塞巴斯蒂安 Sebastiane

镜子的艺术 Art of Mirrors

卡拉瓦乔 Caravaggio

维特根斯坦 Wittgenstein

Aug 17, 2004