1970及其前因后果 :: 只能是电影

 >1970<+itself :: Pure films   


Blue (UK)




A single color

Director: Derek Jarman

Cast (voice):  John Quentin   Nigel Terry   Derek Jarman   Tilda Swinton

Footage: 75min

Year: 1993

导演: Derek Jarman

主演(画外音): John Quentin   Nigel Terry   Derek Jarman   Tilda Swinton

片长: 75分钟

出品时间: 1993

Blue is the last film of Derek Jarman, British film director, artist, and writer. A year before he succumbed fully to AIDS, he made it. The film consists of a single shot of saturated blue. Jarman offers his insights on life, love, disease, the meaning of art, and the symbology of the color blue and records his thoughts and experiences as he battles with the HIV virus.

《蓝》是英国电影导演、艺术家、作家Derek Jarman的最后一部电影,完成于他被艾滋病毒击倒前的一年。影片只有一个镜头,充满饱和的蓝色。Jarman向我们表达了他对生命、爱、疾病、艺术的意义、蓝色的象征等问题的深刻理解,还纪录了他与HIV病毒作斗争的心路历程。


Works of the same director

爱德华二世 Edward II

暴风雨 The Tempest

英伦末路 The Last of England

Luxor花园 Garden of Luxor

镜子的艺术 Art of Mirrors

塞巴斯蒂安 Sebastiane

萤火虫 Glitterbug

卡拉瓦乔 Caravaggio

花园 The Garden

维特根斯坦 Wittgenstein


Personal rate






Text of Blue 《蓝》的文案

蓝色,在我的眼前身后 (原创)

Films by Derek Jarman

Jim's Film Reviews/Jarman


Jul 30, 2004