1970及其前因后果 :: 只能是电影

 >1970<+itself :: Pure films   


Intolerance (USA)

党同伐异 (美国)



Four stories about tolerance

Director: D.W. Griffith

Cast:  Lillian Gish   Mae Marsh   Robert Harron   Miriam Cooper   Walter Long

Footage: 175min

Year: 1916

导演: D.W. Griffith

主演: Lillian Gish   Mae Marsh   Robert Harron   Miriam Cooper   Walter Long

片长: 175分钟

出品时间: 1916

The most influential work in American cinematic history. Four separate stories are interconnected by the recurrent image that of a woman rocking a cradle.

The fall of Babylon: The King's son, Belshazzar carries on his affair with the Princess Beloved but is also adored from afar by the Mountain Girl. The priests open the city gates to the Persians. The Mountain Girl gets wind of the plot and races by chariot to warn Belshazzar but is too late.

The death of Christ: Focuses on three incidents from the life of Christ: the miracle at Cana, Christ's compassion for Mary Magdalene, and the Crucifixion.

The massacre of the Huguenots: In 1572 Paris, unaware of the impending St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre, two young Huguenots prepare for marriage. Catherine de Medici prevails upon her son, Charles IX to sign the order mandating the slaughter of her Huguenot political enemies.

Contemporary drama: Concerns the Dear One and the Boy, who marry in poverty after a mill owner lowers his workers' pay, resulting in a strike action against the mill in which the Boy's father is killed and the Dear One's father is imprisoned.


巴比伦的陷落:王子伯沙撒与公主Beloved相恋,但他同时也被Mountain Girl所爱慕。神父为波斯人打开了城门,Mountain Girl得到了这个消息驱车去告知伯沙撒,但为时已晚。


胡格诺教徒的屠杀:1572年的巴黎,两个年轻人对即将到来的圣巴多罗马日屠杀一无所知,在准备婚礼。Catherine de Medici则在劝说自己的儿子查理四世签署命令屠杀她的胡格诺教政敌。

当代剧:Dear One和男孩在面粉厂老板给工人降薪后结婚了,他们生活在贫困中。降薪导致了罢工,男孩的父亲被杀害,Dear One的父亲也被抓起来了。


Short segments online

18 sample clips



Personal rate



Works of the same director

一个国家的诞生 The Birth of a Nation


  Jul 3, 2004