1970及其前因后果 :: 只能是电影

 >1970<+itself :: Pure films   


Крылья (Soviet Union)




Pilot can't fly

Director: Лариса Шепитько (Larisa Shepitko)

Cast:  Maya Bulgakova    Zhanna Bolotova    Pantelejmon Krymov    Leonid Dyachkov

Footage: 85min

Year: 1966

导演: Larisa Shepitko

主演: Maya Bulgakova    Zhanna Bolotova     Pantelejmon Krymov    Leonid Dyachkov

片长: 85分钟

出品时间: 1966

One of the four features of Larisa Shepitko, who was an representative of 1960s and 1970s Soviet cinema. It's based on a true story and tells of the efforts of a once-famous female fighter pilot to make a life for herself in the postwar era.

The 42-year-old Nadezhda Petrukhina is a hero fighter pilot from World War II. Now she lives in quiet, disappointingly ordinary life as a school principal. she is single and her estranged adopted daughter who has married to an older teacher doesn't like to visit. She has no friends and spends much of her time dealing with unruly students who are proud of their independent spirit. But this makes her uncomfortable because she finds something she once had but now feels like a relic only going through the motions of living.

Alone and disappointed with herself, she deeply relives her memories of the only time in which she was truly alive, and decides to seek some kind of answer or resolution.

Larisa Shepitko拍过的四部故事片中的一部,该导演是19601970年代苏联电影的代表之一。本片根据真实故事改编,讲的是一个曾经很著名的女战斗机飞行员在战后的奋斗历程。

42岁的Nadezhda Petrukhina是二战时的英雄飞行员,现在她担任一所中学的校长,生活平静普通得让人失望。她还是单身,有一个跟年长教师结婚的养女,关系疏远,不常来访。她也没有朋友,平时很多时间都花在对付那些以独立精神自居的调皮捣蛋的学生身上了。但这却令她深感不安,因为她发现一些从前习以为常的东西现在正被生活的潮流冲走。




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Oct 24, 2008