SUMMARY: Black Rain: A Tale in Three Parts (1994)

Robert E. Yahnke


1. (time 1.00) Graphic.  ¡°With a shriek birds flee across the black sky, people are silent, my blood aches from waiting.¡±  First shot is a close-up of a man¡¯s hand picking tomatoes from a bush.  Wide shot of a young seminarian in Macedonia.  Wide shot of the hillside garden.  Chapel in the distance.  An old priest comes upon the young man.  Sound of thunder in the distance.  The seminarian does not speak.  His name is Kiril.  They return to the monastery.  The old man is fearful that the nearby war is getting close to them.

2. (time 4:20)  A scene of small children playing with turtles (pretending the turtles are tanks)  They set up t he turtles in a ring of branches.  As the priest and Kiril walk past them, the old man  says, ¡°Time never dies.  The circle is not round.¡±  The two approach the monastery.  The old priest refers to Kiril¡¯s vow of silence.

3.  (time 5:00)  Part I. The World.  Inside the monastery.  Time for prayers.  Kiril devoutly gazes at the various icons inside.  Intercut are shots of the children playing in the circle of branches.  They throw rifle bullets into the fire, and the bullets fire off.  The priests in the chapel respond fearfully.  A night scene at  the monastery.  The priests file back to the dormitory.  

4. (time 7.20) Kiril inside his room.  Suddenly he discovers a young woman is hiding in his room. Parallel cutting between the two.  Of course, Kiril does not speak.   She is Albanian, a Muslim.  He notices her bare foot, and she draws a cover over it.  She hides in the corner.  He leaves the room and goes to the old priest¡¯s door.  But when the old man answers the door, Kiril does not turn her in.  The priest thinks Kiril wants a midnight stroll.  Off they go.  When Kiril returns, he has brought her tomatoes.  He lies in his bed, she lies on the floor.  She eats what he brought.  He smiles.  She tells him her name is Zamira.  

5. (time 12.00) A funeral service.  The mourners are Eastern Orthodox.  Some of the men hold assault rifles.  A mother mourns.  Music up.  The men carry nationalistic battle flags.  Camera right.  A lone woman, English, stands and watches from the distance.  Who is she?  ¡°Oh, my God,¡± she says.  Quick shot of a young photographer snapping a photograph of a tombstone.  ¡°Oh, my God,¡± we hear the woman say again.  Suddenly we see Kiril running in the distance.  He runs back to the chapel.  The others notice he is late.  He seems frightened, probably because he noticed the men with the guns.  

6.  (time 15.00) The Macedonians come into the chapel and stop the prayers.  The priests ignore them.  Finally, they listen to the men, who want an Albanian girl they traced to this monastery.  Of course, the priests know nothing of the girl and deny she is there.  The men appeal to the head priest: ¡°You are one of us.  Remember five centuries of Muslim rule.  An eye for an eye.¡±  When they leave, the priest asks everyone if he has seen the girl.  He asks Kiril¡ªwho denies he saw her.

7.   (time 18.30) The men remain at the compound.  They wish to search the compound.  The go up to Kiril¡¯s floor, and he watches them, fearful.  He closes his eyes.  But they come down without her.  She must have hidden somewhere else.  He goes up to his room.  It is torn apart.  She is not there.  The men keep searching other rooms.  Kiril comes upon them in the priest¡¯s room, and he sees a man with a gun at the window.  He pushes the man aside.  The man with the gun then finishes what he started.  He saw a cat on the roof, and he shoots it more than 50 times.  The leader of the group cuffs him for his stupidity.  Kiril runs off and vomits.

8.(time 22.16) The men keep searching.  That night they remain on the grounds of the compound.  That night, Kiril thinks he sees Zamara standing in his room.  But when he wipes his eyes and looks again, she is not there.  He sleeps again.  He wakes up, and now she stands before him.  He smiles.  She comes closer to him.  He reaches out to take her hand.  But she lies on the floor across from him.  

9.  (time 26.30) The next morning the priest comes in and finds the two together.  ¡°Shame on you,¡± he says.  The young man packs and brings his bag down to meet with the other priests.  The old priest embraces him.   The head priest brings the gill down.  Then he slaps Kiril and then embraces him.  It is clear now.  ¡°Good luck to you both.¡±  They are to go away together.  

10.  (time 29.20) The two sneak away past the men with guns.

11.  (time 31.15) The next day they are still walking through the mountains.  Suddenly a group of men find them.  It is her grandfather and her family.  They all have guns.  He beats her, and when she tells him the young man loves her, he says, ¡°We¡¯ll see¡± and tells the boy to run off.  Kiril hesitates, but then he leaves. (35.00)  But then she runs after Kiril.  Suddenly one of her cousins shoots her in the back with a burst of automatic weapons fire.  She drops to the ground and dies in a few seconds.  Kiril stays with her.  He sits on the luggage and stays with her.  During this scene several small children (ones we saw earlier) watch from a distance.

Part Two.  Faces.

12.  (time 36.50)  A woman taking a shower.  She is crying.  This is the same woman we saw earlier--watching the funeral from a distance.  She works in a photo studio in London.  She examines some of the photographs that show concentration camp victims in Bosnia.   She gets a phone call from her doctor.  She is pregnant.  She looks through more photographs of victims of the war in the former Yugoslavia.  Then she vomits in the bathroom¡ªmorning sickness.  Suddenly a bearded man energetically enters the studio.  

13 (40.30) The young woman walks the busy streets of the city.  She meets her mother, and the two seem estranged.  Her mother talks about her husband.  They stop at a church and listen to a children¡¯s choir practicing.  Suddenly we hear thunder.  Then the two women come upon Alex, the bearded man we saw entering the studio . Is this the young woman¡¯s husband?  Nope.  After introductions, Mother leaves.  The young woman is Anne.

13.  (time 43.30)  The two take a cab back to the photo agency.  He tells her he quit his job.  He is Macedonian.  He wants to go back home.  ¡°It¡¯s important to take sides,¡± she says.  ¡°I don¡¯t want to be on the same side with any of them.¡±  He recites the litany of all of the war-torn places he has visited to take photographs.  ¡°I want a baby,¡± Anne says.  ¡°Look at your face.  What happened to you?¡±  ¡°I aged.¡±  ¡°In two weeks?¡±  ¡°I fucked up,¡± he says.  ¡°I killed.¡±  They embrace.  He kisses her breasts. They embrace for a long time.  He buries his head in her breasts, then on her shoulder.  Suddenly an old woman is knocking at their window.  ¡°Is this cab free?¡±  They get out.

14.  (time 48.00)  He shows her his plane tickets to Macedonia.  She tells him she can¡¯t come with him.  Where does she have to be?  ¡°Be patient with me,¡± Anne says.  ¡°Have a good life.¡±  He¡¯s gone.  He hands her something.  ¡°Take sides,¡± he says.  

15.  (time 49.15) Anne is back in her studio.  While she talks on the phone, she examines photographs taken of Kiril and Zamara.  Suddenly she gets a phone call for Alex.  She takes the call.  It¡¯s Kiril.  But she has no idea who it is.  He asks for his uncle, Alex.  He tells her he is calling from Macedonia.  He hangs up.  Cut to Alex waiting for a cab.  He sees writing on a brick wall: ¡°Time never dies.  The circle is not round.¡±  He¡¯s gone in the cab.

16.  (time 51.10)  The young woman walks to a restaurant to meet her husband.  She tells him she is pregnant.  ¡°Is it mine?¡±  She says it is.  Apparently they are estranged.  He apologizes for past behavior.  A curious bearded man sitting nearby seems to take an interest in them.  Nick is her husband.  He orders some champagne.  Meanwhile, behind them, the curious bearded man is berating their waiter for something.  What?  Apparently both are immigrants, and their ethnicity is not evident.  Suddenly the curious bearded man becomes more aggressive toward the waiter.  Somehow he has felt slighted.  He begins to throw money at him.  The manager comes out and asks the waiter to leave, ¡°and take your friend with you.¡±  Suddenly the waiter strikes the curious bearded man, but then the latter turns on him and beats him relentlessly.  It takes several people to pull him off the waiter.  Finally the curious bearded man leaves the restaurant.  

17.  (time 56.55) The manager tries to settle everyone down.  Finally, the young woman gets out what she wants to say. ¡°I want a divorce!¡±  He refers to her relationship with Alex (¡°that photographer).  She says, ¡°I don¡¯t want you to forgive me about that!¡±  He jumps up and begins to throw money down on the table.  But she makes him stay.  She takes his face in her hands.  ¡°I still love you.¡±  He begins to cry.   ¡°Just give us some time,¡± he pleads.  Suddenly the crazed bearded man reenters the restaurant and begins firing a handgun.  He shoots indiscriminately, and people fall to the floor and hide from the hail of bullets.  Finally she finds Nick.  His face has been blown away by a direct hit.  ¡°Your face,¡± she sobs.  

Part 3.  Pictures.

18.  (time 1.01.15)  Shots of the mountains of Macedonia.  Then city scenes.  Alex¡¯s plane lands, and we see urban scenes, then Alex on a bus heading into the country.  

19.  (time 1.07.07)  Alex arrives at his hometown.  An adolescent, one of the guys we saw at the monastery, draws his automatic weapon and threatens Alex.  So Alex takes his gun away.  The kid follows him.  He warns him that "¡°Uncle Mitre¡± will be angry.  Alex doesn¡¯t care.  Alex walks through the village.  People evade him at every turn. He smiles.

20.  (time 10.55) Alex stands before his old house, his childhood home, and the one he left 24 years ago.  The building is shot up and has been bombed out.  

21.  (time 12.43)  Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid¡ªAlex¡ªas he rides his bike.  A three-year-old boy holds the automatic weapon and points it at Alex, but fortunately does not fire it.   Suddenly a cousin finds him, and they embrace.  But here comes Mitre, the bearded leader of the pack that went hunting for the young woman, Zamara.  

22.  (time 14.50) Outdoor meal, a kind of reunion for Alex.  Several old relatives have shown up.  Alex mentions Hana, an old flame of his.  But the cousin says, don¡¯t bother with her.  She¡¯s Albanian.  Another relatives say she is a widow now.  The hatred of Albanians is palpable at this table.  Alex takes a picture of everyone using his time delay.

23.  (time 17.10)  Alex in bed.  A young woman comes in and crawls in bed with him.   But she realizes he is still dreaming of Hana.  They lie side by side.  They chat amiably. 

24.  (time 19.00) A UN vehicle pulls up in the countryside. Alex walks a narrow street in a Muslim area.  He is the stranger here.  Some men stop him from walking up a narrow street.  They don¡¯t want him to pass.  He tells them he has come to see Hana and has brought gifts.  Hana¡¯s father comes down.  They talk.  Alex goes into the house.

25.  (time 22.28)  This is the same man we saw earlier¡ªthe grandfather of Zamara.  They sit in the house.  Alex is waiting to see Hana.  Here she comes.  She wears traditional Muslim covering.  Her face is plain but attractive.  In another room Zamara slips past, and we can see her cousin next to her.  Bu this is the same cousin we saw earlier¡ªand he shot Zamara in that early scene.  Then the grandson comes into the room, but he speaks ill of Alex.  ¡°He doesn¡¯t belong here.  I¡¯ll slit his throat.¡±  His grandfather tells him to stop, but he won¡¯t yield.  Alex leaves.

26.  (time 26.10) Mitre and others at a tombstone in a cemetery high above the town.  Who are they grieving? One of the men in their family.  Meanwhile, the young woman from London tries to call Alex, but the operator in Macedonia does not understand her.

27.  (time 28.35) Alex walking on the hillsides where sheep are grazing.  He meets an old friend, a doctor, and they talk about the old days and old conflicts.

28.  (time 31.42) Alex lies in bed. He writes a letter to Ann on his laptop computer.  He tells her in the letter that he was talking to a Serbian militiaman, and complained that he didn¡¯t have much action.  So the militiaman took a prisoner out of the line and shot him right in front of Alex.  ¡°Did you get that?¡± he asked.  ¡°I took sides.  My camera killed a man,¡± Alex admits.  Cut to the paper rolling up out of a FAX machine.  Ann has the message back in London.  (By the way, I¡¯m writing this on a laptop computer.)   Suddenly we hear a woman¡¯s moan/scream.  Cut to Alex waking up in the middle of the night.  Cut to the hands of an old woman holding her cane.  More close-ups of townspeople.  Sounds of mourning.

29.  (time 33.38).  Alex arrives at his cousins¡¯ house.  The man has been stabbed.  Who did it?  Zamara.  Why?  Note how Alex is so drawn to the scene that he mimics taking a photograph of it.  The man dies.  The doctor and Alex leave together.

30.  (time 35.20)  The men set out and find each other.  Everyone has his weapon.  What¡¯s going on.  They refer to the Albanian whore who killed the cousin with a pitchfork.  Let¡¯s see.  Why would she do that?  Rape?  The men swear revenge.  Mitre hands Alex an automatic weapon and says, ¡°Let¡¯s collect five centuries of blood.¡±  Alex pushes the weapon away.

31.  (time 37.30) Alex and doctor have a chat.   ¡°Where is the UN now?¡± Alex asks.  ¡°Back next week, to bury the dead.  Have a nice war.  Take pictures.¡±   Alex bemoans the old man¡¯s cynicism.  

32.  (time 38.08)  Alex asleep.  He dreams that Hana has come to him.  Later, he realizes she is there.  Hana really is in the room.  She is dressed in a man¡¯s coat and wears a head covering.  She tells him the missing girl is her daughter.  This must be the young woman we saw earlier¡ªthe same young woman we saw at the monastery earlier.  She pleads with him to help the girl, ¡°as if she were your own.¡±

33.  (time 41.10) Alex throws up in the bathroom.  Then he packs his bags.  He looks at the photographs he took of the man killed by the militiaman, and then he rips up the pictures.

34.  (time 43.28) Alex walks across the hills.  He passes a wedding ceremony on the way to the sheepfold.  When he arrives at the sheepfold, he finds one of his cousins with the young girl.  Alex takes her away with him.  He tells the cousin, ¡°Shame on you.  She¡¯s only a girl.¡±  He tells his cousin to wait for the police and the law to decide what happened.  But the cousin refers to a new way of life here where they decide on justice by their own reckoning.  ¡°Live your own life,¡± he tells Alex.  But Alex pushes him away with, ¡°That¡¯s why I¡¯m here.  I couldn¡¯t live with myself if I let you do this.¡±  He takes the girl with him. ¡°Alex, I¡¯ll shoot,¡¯ the cousin says.  Mitre, Mr. Bigshot, stands next to the cousin and clearly urges him on.  But Alex keeps walking.  ¡°Shoot, cousin, shoot!¡± Alex says calmly. He does.  Then he shoots again, and this time he hits Alex several times.  Alex tells the girl to run.  The cousin shoots at her, but he missies.  Alex finally drops.  The cousin runs up the hill toward him.  Alex¡¯s eyes are open.  The men kneel over him.  They turn him over.  ¡°Look, it¡¯s going to rain,¡± Alex says.  We hear thunder. Alex dies. The girl escapes.

35.  (time 48.40)  The girl reaches the monastery.  It begins to rain.  Later, cut to Kiril and the old priest at the tomato patch.  ¡°It¡¯s going to rain.  Time doesn¡¯t wait, because the circle is not round.¡± They walk away.  In the background the young girl runs toward them.  Cut to close shot of Alex¡¯s body.  It rains. Cut to clouds in the sky, and then a sunset image as credits begin.
