1970及其前因后果 :: 只能是电影

 >1970<+itself :: Pure films   


Il Generale Della Rovere (Italy/France)

罗维雷将军 (意大利 法国)

General della Rovere


Petty swindler and great hero

Director: Roberto Rossellini

Cast:  Vittorio De Sica    Hannes Messemer    Vittorio Caprioli    Sandra Milo    Anne Vernon

Footage: 138min

Year: 1959

导演: Roberto Rossellini

主演: Vittorio De Sica    Hannes Messemer    Vittorio Caprioli    Sandra Milo    Anne Vernon

片长: 138分钟

出品时间: 1959

Based on a novel by Indro Montanelli, which was in turn based on a true story.

Genoa, 1943. Grimaldi is brilliant as a swindler running a profitable scam extracting money from people by pretending to be in the Italian army. When the Gestapo catch him, they offer him a deal in order to flush out a Resistance leader known to be among the inmates of a prison. Grimaldi is thrown in jail impersonating General Della Rovere, a Resistance leader recently murdered by the Nazis. But after making friends with these prisoners, he begin to think in a different way about himself.

根据Indro Montanelli的小说改编,它是一个真实的故事。

热那亚,1943年。Grimaldi是个骗子,他装作是意大利军队里的人,如鱼得水地从事着骗钱的勾当。盖世太保抓住了他,为了从监狱的犯人中找出一位据说已被关押的抵抗领袖,就派给他一个任务。Grimaldi被投进了监狱,冒充刚被纳粹暗杀的抵抗领袖Della Rovere将军。但当他跟这些囚犯成为朋友以后,他开始重新审视自己。



Personal rate




Works of the same director

德意志零年 Germania Anno Zero

欧洲51年 Europa '51


Jun 30, 2007