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La Bataille D' Alger (Italy/Algeria/France)

The Battle of Algiers

Fighting for independence


Director: Gillo Pontecorvo

Cast: Jean Martin   Yacef Saadi   Brahim Haggiag   Tommaso Neri   Fawzia el Kader

Footage: 123min

Year: 1966

Using professional and non-professional actors, and, unbelievably, no newsreel footage, Pontecorvo draws out the passion and story of the Algerian people trying to free themselves from French rule in the mid-FiftiesRegarding a colony of resisters, not any individuals as the protagonist, the film traces the rebels' struggle and the increasingly extreme measures taken by the French government to quell what soon becomes a nationwide revolt. 


The Battle of Algiers (Carter B. Horsley)

The Battle of Algiers (Franco Solinas)

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