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FELLINI'S ROMA (Italy / France)

Scenery of Rome


Director:  Federico Fellini

Cast:  Peter Gonzales  Britta Barnes  Federico Fellini

Footage:  128min

Year:  1972

This a obscure film. You can regard it as a literary film in newsreel style or a newsreel in literary style.

There is not a real leading role in this film. The only one star is Fellini himself. Realism and surrealism are mixed together. Recollecting  and imagining, director shows his personal impression of Rome to audiences.  Fellini turns Rome's Catholic ritualism into an opulent ecclesiastical fashion show, while the subway construction sequence and the final, nocturnal tour of the ruins via motorcycle find surreal beauty in the potentially destructive juxtaposition of ancient and modern Rome.

If you can't understand it, that's not strange.
