1970及其前因后果 :: 只能是电影

 >1970<+itself :: Pure films   


Szindbád (Hungary)

辛巴德 (匈牙利)



Beauties from yesterday

Director: Zoltán Huszárik

Cast:  Zoltán Latinovits    Éva Ruttkai    Margit Dajka    Anna Nagy

Footage: 90min

Year: 1971

导演: Zoltán Huszárik

主演: Zoltán Latinovits    Éva Ruttkai    Margit Dajka    Anna Nagy

片长: 90分钟

出品时间: 1971

Adapted from numerous short stories of surrealist writer Gyula Krúdy, this film recounts the life, loves and memories of womaniser Szindbád in the early years of the 20th century.

The aging aristocratic Szindbád is dying. On his death bed he recalls his love life centered around sensual pleasures and hedonism leaving behind many broken hearts. When he moves from one woman to another, some of them seek to have him join them in a suicide pact overwhelmed by their tragic attachment, and others carelessly toss their lives away. He realizes too late that his life is  devoid of real love or meaning.

It is a highly stylized, elegiac, lyrical work with a heavy use of imagery.

电影根据超现实主义作家Gyula Krúdy的几个小故事改编,它讲述了二十世纪初以追逐女人为乐的Szindbád的生活、爱情和记忆。





Personal rate


Sep. 19, 2011