1970及其前因后果 :: 只能是电影

 >1970<+itself :: Pure films   


Die Nibelungen: Siegfrieds Tod  (Germany)

尼伯龙根:齐格弗里德之死 (德国)

Siegfried's Death


Dragon slayer

Director: Fritz Lang

Cast:  Paul Richter    Margarete Schön    Hanna Ralph    Bernhard Goetzke    Theodor Loos

Footage: 143min

Year: 1924

导演: Fritz Lang

主演: Paul Richter    Margarete Schön    Hanna Ralph    Bernhard Goetzke    Theodor Loos

片长: 143分钟

出品时间: 1924

Siegfried, son of King Siegmund, hears tales of Kriemhild, the princess of Worms. En route to Worms, he slays a dragon, and bathes in his blood. This makes him invulnerable to attack. A single leaf from a tree that falls on Siegfried and  prevents the blood from touching a small part of his back. Siegfried also finds the treasure. Then he accompanies King Gunther to Iceland and help him to win the powerful Brunhilde as his wife. Siegfried weds Kriemhild. But Brunhilde plots to have Siegfried killed. Gunther's uncle, Hagen Tronje, finds Siegfried's weak spot and pierces it with a spear.

This is Fritz Lang's most grandiose undertaking. Every scene of this film is a meticulously composed, eye-popping triumph of visual design.

SiegfriedSiegmund国王的儿子,他听到了许多Worms公主Kriemhild的传说。在去Worms的路上,他杀了一条龙,并用它的鲜血沐浴。这可以让他刀枪不入。一片树叶落下来,掉在Siegfried的背上,结果那里留下一小片没有接触到龙血的部分。后来他和Gunther一起去了冰岛,并帮助国王战胜强大的Brunhilde并娶她为妻。Siegfried也和Kriemhild结了婚。然而Brunhilde密谋要杀害Siegfried。Gunther的叔叔Hagen Tronje找到了Siegfried的薄弱之处,将矛刺入。

这是Fritz Lang最壮观的作品。电影的每一个场景都经过精心构思,取得了吸引眼球的视觉效果。



Personal rate





Fritz Lang: The Illusion of Mastery


Works of the same director


大都会 Metropolis

尼伯龙根:克里姆希尔德的复仇 Die Nibelungen: Kriemhilds Rache


Sep 11, 2005