1970及其前因后果 :: 只能是电影

 >1970<+itself :: Pure films   


Le Roman d'un Tricheur (France)

骗子的故事 (法国)

The Story of a Cheat


Honest gamblers

Director: Sacha Guitry

Cast:  Sacha Guitry    Marguerite Moreno    Jacqueline Delubac

Footage: 83min

Year: 1936

导演: Sacha Guitry

主演: Sacha Guitry    Marguerite Moreno    Jacqueline Delubac

片长: 83分钟

出品时间: 1936

The story is almost a pantomime with little dialogue other than the director's witty narration. And the director himself also acts as the main character.

When he was a young boy, he survives a family tragedy of food poisoning because of his mischievous habit. He concluded that dishonesty and survival are intimately linked. So he continues to cheat all his life. After World War I, he works in the casinos of Monte Carlo as a croupier. There he encounters with an enigmatic woman with soulful eyes named Henriette then embarks on a very lucrative occupation as a professional cheat. Finally, he meets his military comrade Serge who had saved his life, leading to the surprising next phase in his career.


年少时他因为调皮捣蛋幸运地逃过了一场食物中毒带来的家庭灾难。他因此得出结论,生存和欺骗是密切相关的。所以他继续进行欺骗活动。第一次世界大战后,他来到Monte Carlo担任赌场的赌桌管理员。在那里他碰到了一个拥有深情目光的神秘女人Henriette,开始了获利颇丰的职业骗子生涯。最后,他遇见了曾救过自己命的战友Serge,他的事业出人意料地找到了一个新起点。



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Nov. 11, 2010