1970及其前因后果 :: 只能是电影

 >1970<+itself :: Pure films   


Lacombe Lucien (France/West Germany/Italy)

拉孔布·吕西安 (法国 西德 意大利)



Banality breeds evil


Director: Louis Malle

Cast:  Pierre Blaise    Aurore Clément    Holger Löwenadler    Therese Giehse

Footage: 137min

Year: 1974

导演: Louis Malle

主演: Pierre Blaise    Aurore Clément    Holger Löwenadler    Therese Giehse

片长: 137分钟

出品时间: 1974

Based in part on director Louis Malle's own experiences during the German occupation, Lacombe Lucien illustrates the writer Hannah Arendt's celebrated phrase "the banality of evil". The film demonstrates that the majority of French people during that era were neither active resistants nor collaborators, but were uncommitted attentistes, waiting to see what happened.

18 year old Lucien is very much a social outcast, whose father is being held in a German prisoner-of-war camp. Out of school into a job, he shoots rabbits in his spare time. Tired of his job as a sanatorium cleaner,  Lucien tries to join the French Resistance, but is turned down on account of his age. However, all too easily he is recruited by the German police and works as a Gestapo agent, arresting his fellow countrymen. The Gestapo is happy to have him and supplies him with liquor and anything else he requests. Whilst initially revelling in his new-found position of power, Lucien gets acquainted with Albert, a kindly and elegant Jewish tailor, and falls in love with Albert's beautiful daughter France Horn. With France and her mother in tow, Lucien then sets out for Spain when both the Resistance and Gestapo are out to kill him.

Bravely and controversially addressing his country's history of collaboration, Malle creates Lucien as a metaphor for his country's past, guilty of naivety and opportunism. Eventually Malle emigrated to America because of the critical reaction to this film.

《拉孔布·吕西安》是基于导演Louis Malle自己在德国占领期间的经历拍摄的,它印证了作家Hannah Arendt的著名警句“邪恶的平庸”。电影向我们展示了那一时期大多数法国人的状况,他们既不积极反抗也不主动合作,只是安然旁观,等着看热闹。

18岁的Lucien是一个不折不扣的社会弃儿,他的父亲被关在德国人的战俘营中。在离开学校后他找了份工作,他靠猎杀兔子打发闲暇时间。Lucien对自己在疗养院当清洁工的工作很是厌烦,于是想加入法国抵抗组织,但因为年龄小被拒之门外。然而,德国警察的招募来得如此轻而易举,他成为了盖世太保的密探,专门抓捕自己的同胞。盖世太保很高兴能招募到他,为他提供了一些酒以及其他他需要的物品。正当沾沾自喜于新获得的权力时,Lucien结识了心地善良举止优雅的犹太裁缝Albert,并且爱上了他的漂亮女儿France Horn。后来Lucien带着France和她的母亲前往西班牙,这时抵抗组织和盖世太保都在追杀他。





Personal rate



Works of the same director

通向死刑台的电梯 Ascenseur Pour L'Echafaud

鬼火 Le Feu Follet


  Oct 19, 2006