1970及其前因后果 :: 只能是电影

 >1970<+itself :: Pure films   


Les dimanches de Ville d'Avray (France)

星期日与西贝儿 (法国)

Sundays and Cybele


I want that metal rooster

Director: Serge Bourguignon

Cast:  Hardy Krüger    Patricia Gozzi    Nicole Courcel

Footage: 110min

Year: 1962

导演: Serge Bourguignon

主演: Hardy Krüger    Patricia Gozzi    Nicole Courcel

片长: 110分钟

出品时间: 1962

Pierre is a veteran who is consumed by guilt after having accidentally killed an innocent child on a routine bombing mission. He goes into semi-seclusion in a small Parisian suburb. His nurse girlfriend lives with him.

One day he meets a young girl Cybele who abandoned by her father at a boarding school. Posing as her father, Pierre takes the girl for a walk. He spends time with her every Sunday, for months. A warm, chaste friendship develops between them.

They decided to spend Christmas together in a nearby woods. But Pierre has nothing to give Cybele for Christmas. He steals a Christmas tree and takes up her earlier joking challenge to bring her the metal rooster on top of a church.

Unfortunately, their innocent friendship is misread by nearly everyone, even people who know Pierre well. When the police join them, tragedy is inevitable.







Personal rate



Jan. 14, 2011