::只能是电影 PURE FILMS::


Dreams That Money Can Buy (USA)

可供出售的梦 (美国)


Director: Hans Richter

Cast:  Max Ernst    Jack Bittner    John La Touche    Jo Fontaine-Maison

Footage: 99min

Year: 1947

导演: Hans Richter

主演: Max Ernst    Jack Bittner    John La Touche    Jo Fontaine-Maison

片长: 99分钟

出品时间: 1947

Joe is a young man who discovers that he has the power to create dreams. So he sets up a business in his room, selling tailor-made dreams to some clients.

Surrealist painter and Dada film-theorist Hans Richter assembled some of liveliest artists at that time as co-creators of the film.

The seven surreal dream sequences are:

Desire (Max Ernst)

The Girl with the Prefabricated Heart  (Fernand Léger)

Ruth, Roses and Revolvers (Man Ray)

Discs (Marcel Duchamp)

Ballet (Alexander Calder)

Circus (Alexander Calder)

Narcissus (Hans Richter)


超现实主义画家和达达电影理论家Hans Richter召集了当时最活跃的几个艺术家共同创作了这部作品。


欲望 (Max Ernst)

少女有颗预制的心  (Fernand Léger)

Ruth,玫瑰和左轮手枪 (Man Ray)

磁盘 (Marcel Duchamp)

芭蕾 (Alexander Calder)

马戏团 (Alexander Calder)

水仙花 (Hans Richter)


Personal rate


Works of the same director

早餐前的幽灵 Vormittagsspuk


Jan. 01, 2010