::只能是电影 PURE FILMS::


Hurlements en Faveur de Sade (France)

隆迪的狂吠 (法)

Howlings in Favour of de Sade

Director: Guy Debord

Cast (voice): Serge Berna   Guy Debord   Isidore Isou   Barbara Rosenthal   Gil J. Wolman

Footage: 64min

Year: 1952

导演: Guy Debord

主演 (画外音): Serge Berna   Guy Debord   Isidore Isou   Barbara Rosenthal   Gil J. Wolman

片长: 64分钟

出品时间: 1952

The spectacle is permanent, Guy Debord said. But There is no pictures in this film—the screen was either white  accompanied 'dialogue', or black accompanied silence. There is only voices expressionlessly reciting the fragmentary sentences taken from bodies of laws, novelettes, modernistic literature and newspaper notices.

Someone says the absent pictures are a critique of the way in which contemporary culture used the image, which according to the Situationists was the most recent alienating technique of capitalism.


Guy Debord说景观是永恒的。但在这部电影中却没有画面——屏幕上不是伴随着”对话“的白色就是伴随着寂静的黑色。只有面无表情的声音,吟诵的是从法律、小说、现代文学作品和报纸公告中选取的只言片语。



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Official website of Guy Debord

Guy Debord官方网站

Text of Hurlements en Faveur de Sade

Guy Debord Cineaste

Guy Debord电影作品


Works of the same director

景观社会 La Société du Spectacle (著作)


Nov 22, 2005