Le Ballet Mecanique (France)

机械芭蕾 (法)


Director: Fernand Léger

Footage: 19min

Year: 1924

导演: Fernand Léger

片长: 19分钟

出品时间: 1924

This surrealistic film uses the design and artistic style of French painter Fernand Léger whose commercial and fine art works draw from cubism and dadaism to honor the art form of dance. All the "dancing" is done by inanimate objects and the people are used as stationary, inanimate objects stuck in repeating patterns.

这部超现实主义电影应用了法国画家Fernand Léger的设计艺术风格,来表现舞蹈艺术。Fernand Léger的商业和艺术作品都是立体主义和达达风格的。所有的舞蹈都是无生命物体完成的,其中的人物也被当作静止无生命的东西编排进重复循环的图案中。


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Oct 6, 2004