1970及其前因后果 :: 只能是电影

 >1970<+itself :: Pure films   


Spalovač Mrtvol (Czechoslovakia)

焚尸人 (捷克斯洛伐克)

The Cremator


Nirvana for Nazi

Director: Juraj Herz

Cast:  Rudolf Hrusínský    Vlasta Chramostová

Footage: 100min

Year: 1968

导演: Juraj Herz

主演: Rudolf Hrusínský    Vlasta Chramostová

片长: 100分钟

出品时间: 1968

Based on a novel by Ladislav Fuks.

Karl Kopfrkingl runs a crematorium. He believes he is doing the souls of the dead a favor because of his beliefs in Tibetan religion. And he also reconciles Buddhism with Nazism. A Nazi convinces him he has German blood and that his wife and children are Jewish. Then Karl Kopfrkingl goes insane and sets about to kill his wife, son and daughter.

Although it is live action, this film has much of the oddness and Gothic trappings of Czech animation.

根据Ladislav Fuks的小说改编。

Karl Kopfrkingl是火葬场的老板。受西藏宗教影响他相信自己所做的事都是对死者灵魂的慰藉,他还把佛教与纳粹主义合而为一。一个纳粹党告诉他他有德国血统,但他的妻子和孩子则是犹太人。这下Karl Kopfrkingl更加错乱,开始着手杀害自己的妻子、儿子以及女儿。




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  Jun 21, 2006