1970及其前因后果 :: 只能是电影

 >1970<+itself :: Pure films   


Der Siebente Kontinent (Austria)

第七大陆 (奥地利)

The Seventh Continent


Suicide without a cause

Director: Michael Haneke

Cast:  Dieter Berner    Udo Samel    Leni Tanzer

Footage: 111min

Year: 1989

导演: Michael Haneke

主演: Dieter Berner   Udo Samel   Leni Tanzer

片长: 111分钟

出品时间: 1989

The first part of Haneke's trilogy dealing with the 'emotional glaciation' of contemporary Austria.  It is based on a true story.

A seemingly happy middle-class urban family is going about their business. Life holds no challenge or interest for them. They simply go through the motions of living. The parents realize how monotonous and isolated their life is when their daughter, in a desperate attempt to get attention, suddenly pretends to be blind. The undercurrents of tension and alienation build until they decide to smash up their home, piece by shattered piece, and then kill themselves. Modern life emerges as the ultimate culprit in this obsessive tale of extreme indifference.






Personal rate



Works of the same director

未知密码  Code Inconnu

机遇编年史的71块碎片 71 Fragmente einer Chronologie des Zufalls

隐藏摄影机 Caché


  Nov 23, 2005