1970及其前因后果 :: 只能是电影

 >1970<+itself :: Pure films   


71 Fragmente einer Chronologie des Zufalls (Austria/Germany)

机遇编年史的71块碎片 (奥地利 德国)

71 Fragments of a Chronology of Chance


Not chance but destiny

Director: Michael Haneke

Cast:  Gabriel Cosmin Urdes    Lukas Miko    Otto Grunmandl    Anne Bennent    Udo Samel

Footage: 96min

Year: 1994

导演: Michael Haneke

主演: Gabriel Cosmin Urdes    Lukas Miko    Otto Grunmandl    Anne Bennent    Udo Samel

片长: 96分钟

出品时间: 1994

The film is a harrowing exploration of moral, spiritual and emotional bankruptcy. It begins with a scene in which a 19-year old student enters a bank on Christmas Eve 1993 and shoots a number of people at random before taking his own life.

The fragmented film flashes back to October 12 and dips into the characters' lives, then slowly drags them together. A homeless teenaged Romanian exile roaming Vienna's streets and begging provides continuity. Each fragment begins with a newscast shows footage of the war in Sarajevo and the story about Michael Jackson.


被分割成片断的电影闪回到10月12日,然后对人物的生活展开探究,并慢慢地把他们引向同一处。连接这些片断的是一个流落在维也纳街头的罗马尼亚少年。每一片断都开始于新闻广播,播报的是萨拉热窝的战争以及关于Michael Jackson的报道。




Personal rate




71 Fragments Of A Chronology Of Chance



Works of the same director

未知密码  Code Inconnu

第七大陆 Der Siebente Kontinent

隐藏摄影机 Caché


  Nov 25, 2005