Chinese Version 


Jidlo (Czech)


Director: Jan Svankmajer

Footage: 17min

Year: 1992



Another person sits in front of the person who has breakfast. An operation instructions is hung on his front. Operate according to explaining, the person has got his own breakfast. But himself has become a manufacturing machine of food again after eating up, moved back and forth by the latecomer. Replace so, a long queue of hungry people are waiting patiently for their turn.




A gentleman and a poor young man sit in front of the same table in a restaurant. Waiters are too busy to attend to them. So they begin a very strange competition to eat objects. They eat all things, includinging flower, vase, tie, tablecloth, their own shoes and clothes. Finally, the gentleman swallows tablewares, the youth imitated too. But the gentleman pours out the cutlery at this moment, then the youth became his food.




There is a huge array of seasonings, dressings and sauce bottles, jars of pickles and on the dining table. The person who  has dinner is obviously a gourmet. Curiously we see that there is a rough-hewn artificial wooden hand to which he nails his fork at edge of the plate. His own left hand is put in the plate. Then various kinds of human organs  are  eaten.




Works of the same director:

The Collected Shorts of Jan Svankmajer


Něco z Alenky


Přežít Svůj Život (Teorie a Praxe)


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