1970及其前因后果 :: 一瞥惊鸿黄金屋

 >1970<+itself :: Books   



Organic Cinema: Film, Architecture, and the Work of Béla Tarr

作者:Thorsten Botz-Bornstein

New York: Berghahn Books

ISBN: 978-1800730090





Both organic cinema and organic architecture base their activities on the idea that the image character of their medium needs to be overcome and that creativity in their respective arts should be seen as a sculpting of space or time.

Film director Béla Tarr, architect Imre Makovecz, and writer László Krasznahorkai have been obsessed with organic forms of expression for decades.

The Makovecz–Tarr link this book elaborates on is thus based on three criteria: (1) there are similarities with regard to the form of the compositions; (2) Tarr’s films use architecture in a special way; (3) Makovecz and Tarr produce organic space in a similar fashion.


European cinema between World Wars I and II was renowned for its remarkable attention to detail and visual effects in set design. Visionary designers such as Vincent Korda and Alfred Junge extended their influence across national film industries in Paris, London, and Berlin, transforming the studio system into one of permeable artistic communities. For the first time, Film Architecture and the Transnational Imagination provides a comparative study of European film set design in the late 1920s and 1930s. Based on a wealth of drawings, film stills, and archival documents from the period, this volume illuminates the emerging significance of transnational artistic collaboration in light of developments in Britain, France, and Germany. A comprehensive analysis of the practices, styles, and function of interwar cinematic production design, Film Architecture and the Transnational Imagination offers new insight into the period’s remarkable achievements and influence on subsequent generations.


About Thorsten Botz-Bornstein

A philosopher working on various topics from film to  architectural aesthetics. He was born in Germany and studied philosophy in Paris. At present he is associate professor of Philosophy at Gulf University for Science and Technology in Kuwait.

目 录


1 Cinema, Architecture, Literature
2 Central Europe
3 What Is “Organic?”
4 The Melancholy of Evolution
5 Where Is the Center?
6 Modernism and Postmodernism
7 Organic Harmonies
8 Back to Humanism?
9 Politics of Harmony
10 The Spiritual
11 Organic Places
12 The Organic Camera Shot


 Brief comment

作者的出发点有点特别,他将慢速电影(slow cinema)视作有机电影的代表,并认为有机电影思想颇多与有机建筑相关,且中东欧文化比其他文化包含更多有机概念。导演贝拉·塔尔是他关注的核心,其电影原著作家László Krasznahorkai和匈牙利本土建筑师Imre Makovecz一道被列举为三个领域有机思想的典型。


Interior of Mortuary Chapel in Farkasrét, Budapest, by Imre Makovecz

Church in Gazdagrét, Budapest, by Imre Makovecz

Greek Catholic Church in Csenger by Imre Makovecz

Cultural Center in Szigetvár by Imre Makovecz

Interior of Holy Spirit Church in Paks by Imre Makovecz

Church in Siófok by Imre Makovecz

附  录


Official website of Thorsten Botz-Bornstein

作 者 官 方 网 站


Mar 31, 2024